How to Create a Facebook Business Page: The Complete Guide

How to Create a Facebook Business Page: The Complete Guide

Creating a Facebook business page is a great way to promote your business and reach potential customers on the world’s largest social media platform. Whether you are a small business owner, a solopreneur, or part of a larger company, a Facebook business page can help you connect with your target audience and build brand awareness. 

In this post, we will walk you through the steps to create a Facebook business page, from setting up the basics to customizing your page and promoting it to your target audience.

1.Navigate to Your Personal Profile

Before you can create a Facebook business page, you’ll need to have a personal Facebook profile. If you don’t already have one, you’ll need to sign up for a personal account. Once you have a personal profile, you can use it to create a business page.

To create a Facebook business page, log in to your personal Facebook account and click on the “Create” button in the top right corner of the homepage. From the dropdown menu, select “Page.”

2.Enter Basic Page Information

Next, you will be prompted to select the type of page you want to create. There are several options to choose from, including a local business or place, a company, organization, or institution, a brand or product, and an artist, band, or public figure. Choose the option that best fits your business.

You will then need to enter some basic information about your business, such as its name and category. You’ll also need to select a primary page location, if applicable.

3.Upload Facebook Page Images

The next step is to add some visual elements to your Facebook business page. You’ll need to upload a profile picture and a cover photo. These images should represent your business and help create a cohesive visual identity for your page.

The profile picture will appear next to your business name in search results and on your page, so choose an image that is easy to recognize and clearly represents your business. The cover photo is the large banner image that appears at the top of your page. Use this space to showcase your business or promote a special offer or event.

4.Connect Your Facebook Page to WhatsApp

If you use WhatsApp to communicate with your customers, you can easily connect your Facebook business page to your WhatsApp account. To do this, click on the “Settings” tab on your Facebook business page and select “WhatsApp” from the left menu. You can enter your WhatsApp phone number and connect your accounts.

Once your accounts are connected, you’ll be able to send and receive messages from your Facebook business page through WhatsApp. This is a great way to provide customer support and keep in touch with your audience.

5.Choose a Username for Your Facebook Page

Your Facebook business page’s username will be the URL people use to access your page. Choosing a username that is easy to remember and represents your business is important.

To choose a username for your Facebook business page, click on the “Settings” tab and select “General” from the left menu. Scroll down to the “Username” section and click on the “Edit” button. From here, you can enter a username of your choice.

Remember that your username must be at least five characters long and can only contain alphanumeric characters (letters and numbers). It’s also a good idea to make your username as unique as possible to avoid confusion with other pages.

6.Add a Call-to-Action Button to Your Facebook Page

A call-to-action (CTA) button is a button that prompts your Facebook page visitors to take a specific action, such as visiting your website, making a purchase, or contacting you. Adding a CTA button to your Facebook business page can help you convert page visitors into customers or leads.

To add a CTA button to your Facebook business page:

  • Click on the “Add a Button” button on your page’s cover photo.
  • From the dropdown menu, choose the action you want the button to prompt, such as “Shop Now,” “Sign Up,” or “Contact Us.”
  • Enter the URL for the action you want the button to take people to, such as your website or a specific product page.

7.Provide Business Details

In the “About” section of your Facebook business page, you can provide more detailed information about your business, including your location, hours of operation, and contact information. This is a great opportunity to showcase what makes your business unique and give potential customers a sense of what they can expect when they visit your page or do business with you.

To add business details to your Facebook business page, click on the “About” tab on the left side of your page. From here, you can edit the “Overview,” “Contact Info,” and “Hours” sections to provide more information about your business. You can also add a description of your business, your business website, and any relevant links or tags.

8.Pick a Facebook Page Template

Facebook offers several templates you can use to customize the layout and design of your business page. Each template is optimized for a specific type of business or page, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs.

To select a Facebook page template, click on the “Settings” tab on your Facebook business page and select “Templates and Tabs” from the left menu. You can browse the available templates from here and choose the one that best fits your business. You can also customize the layout and design of your page by adding or removing tabs and sections.

9.Introduce Your Facebook Page

Now that you’ve set up your Facebook business page and customized it to reflect your business, it’s time to introduce it to your audience. You can do this by posting an introduction on your page, inviting your personal Facebook friends to like your page, and promoting your page to your email list or other social media followers.

To post an introduction on your Facebook business page, click on the “Write Something” field at the top of your Facebook page and type a message introducing your business and inviting people to follow your page. You can also use this space to share updates, news, and special offers with your audience.

To invite your personal Facebook friends to like your page, click on the “Invite Friends” button on the right side of your page. From here, you can select the friends you want to invite and send them an invitation to like your page.

To promote your Facebook business page to your email list or other social media followers, you can use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to schedule social media posts or create promotional emails. With your page promotions, you can use Facebook’s built-in ad targeting to reach a specific audience.

10.Add Another Facebook Page Admin

If you are part of a team or want to give someone else the ability to manage your Facebook business page, you can add additional admins. Facebook page admins have full control over the page, including posting updates, responding to comments, and managing page settings.

To add another admin to your Facebook business page, click on the “Settings” tab and select “Page Roles” from the left menu. From here, you can enter the name or email address of the person you want to add as an admin and select their role from the dropdown menu.

There are several roles to choose from, including admin, editor, moderator, advertiser, and analyst. Admins have the highest level of access and can perform any action on the page, while the other roles have more limited access. Choose the role that best fits the person’s responsibilities and level of access.

Keep in mind that anyone you add as an admin will need to have a personal Facebook account and accept your invitation to become an admin.

11.Move Your Facebook Page to Business Manager

If you manage multiple Facebook pages or ad accounts, you may consider using Facebook Business Manager to consolidate your assets and streamline your workflow. Business Manager is a free tool that allows you to manage multiple pages, ad accounts, and people in one place.

You need a Business Manager account to move your Facebook business page to Business Manager. If you don’t already have one, you can create one by going to and clicking on the “Create Account” button.

Once you have a Business Manager account, you can add your Facebook business page to it by going to the “Pages” tab and clicking on the “Add” button. You can select the page you want to add and follow the prompts to complete the process.

Moving your Facebook business page to Business Manager has several benefits. It allows you to manage multiple pages and ad accounts from one dashboard, makes it easier to collaborate with team members, and provides access to additional tools and features.


Creating a Facebook business page is a simple and effective way to promote your business on the world’s largest social media platform. Following the steps outlined in this post, you can set up a professional-looking page that reflects your brand, connects with your target audience, and builds brand awareness

Whether you are a small business owner, a solopreneur, or part of a larger company, a Facebook business page can help you grow your business and reach new customers.

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